ostatnio piszę coraz mniej i mniej, nie dość, że nie przychodzi mi do głowy co napisać, wolę szykować dioramy, robić biżuterie i ubranka, to doszły do tego koncerty, najbliższe kilka miesięcy będziemy jeździć po (niestety) Europie z jednego koncertu na drugi, jeśli to przeżyję to będzie to cud. pewnie jakieś lalki pojadą z nami, nigdy żadnych nie zabierałyśmy z obawy przed zniszczeniem, ale, że wyjazdy bliskie to można lalki trzymać w samolocie na kolanach tę godzinę czy dwie (tylko pullip cały lot z Osaki siedział na siedzeniu samolotowym XD ).

Another doll from the serie Dolls of the world. This time it's Italian Barbie, with the face mold used for Barbie doll only once. As much as I adore beautiful, feminine men with delicate faces and , very often, with make up on, I don't find attractive women with masculine faces. Why am I writing this? Because in my opinion Italian Barbie belongs to the same kind as mentioned women. Of course I knew how she looks like before I bought her and it was this special face mold that made me and my sister to want her. Long black hair, subtle make up, white shirt with frills on the lowcut, shoes, oh, so pretty , tied up on her ankles - any of these can't change the efect of a boy in drag, too manly for such antics. The doll is amazing, looks stunning and so different, especialy when is compared to dolls with very feminie face molds, as DOTW India, with Steffie face. In my opinion there is only one more Mattel female doll with such manly vibes around her, it's Glimmer, who always gives me an impression of a boy. We got Italian Bbarbie, like the most of our dolls, from Ebay. She came without her hat, ring and busket with flowers, but otherwise in very good condition. Currently she is staying in her original clothes, in future hopefully she will find her own unique personality :),
recently I'm writting less and less, it's because my first hobby always was and will be music, and currently my sister and I are preparing for upcoming months full of european concerts of our favourite bands and artists, we need to plan schedule, reserve hotels, buy plane/train tickets, tickets for concerts as well of course. we are planning to take some dolls with us and maybe take some photos of them :)